Sunday, August 31, 2008

View On Human Brain !!!!

Recently i read about the human brain . I am going to share my view on that.The brain is our favorite bodily organ. It is where we feel sex, love, and beauty. It is where we get guilty, depressed, and angry. It is the most complex object in the known Universe. Brain was created before many years.Lizards got brain millions of years ago. when lizard brain appeared several things started like anger,aggression.They don,t give loyalty to there owners. They all ways think for survival. Then came mammals . The mammals brain show loyalty,love. The third brain is the human brains which deals with different areas like poetry,music,mathematics,reasoning. So , point here is humans have this three types of brain . When people are in emotions they opt for lizard .love and loyalty they go for mammal brain. When they go for thinking , romance , reasoning the human brain starts to work. The person who controls these three brain areas will be more successful in his life.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Inventions can change the Economy

Today i want to share my view on inventions. Invention is the only key for the growth of an economy.Inventions of automobile , aeroplane, pencillin, high speed computers,softwares. They are the inventions which created a greater movement in the economy by creating new business , research works for the development of new products .But the point here is how many years it takes to make this inventions to be known by all the people . The typewriter which was invented and it took around 19 years to make the people to use the product all over the world . In case of mobile phone it took only 3yrs to make the people to use the product. Recently you can go with this Iphone by apple company . When the company starts to introduce a product people stand in line to get the products . It also moves to all the country within few months . This shows that people like changes and they expect a advanced technology . The next great invention has to come to change the world economy the way this software revolution has created. There should be another revolution like this software.

Friday, August 22, 2008

!!! Empire Built By the Right People !!!!!

In the present market condition you can see lot of people do business . In single sector like telecom ,IT, Pharma, Retail there are many players . The point here is today everyone in each sector gets capital , resources but how to make themselves be at the top most in there particular sector . The answer is to have a right people for the right job. only skilled people can outperform there company from other competitors. The company which has more brain power with them will be a Great company in the future.

Entrepreneurs can Lift India Not FDI !!!!!!!

Today i am going to speak on Entrepreneurs.The Global Entrepreneur Monitor Study 2002 ranks India as No 2 in entrepreneurship among all nations. With 18% of its population in the age group of 18-64 being entrepreneurs, India is ahead of China [12%] and US [11%].we have more people on younger generations. so , our government should give more support for this young generations by supporting them with easy regulations and capital . Instead they are welcoming more FDI with red carpets into the country . At once stage this FDI investment will move out of our country by taking away all the resources.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Everything Getting Reduced Due to Inflation !!!!

Inflation has created a mess in the economy . We can see the impact of this in our day today activities. Industries and people are using lot of strategies to tackle this inflation . You can see the news paper size were reduced , magazine sizes are reduced , you can find less sticks in a match box, idli and dossa sizes are reduced,grams are reduced in toothpaste , biscuits etc.The companies are using lot of strategies to maintain there price meanwhile reducing the size of the articles. Good Strategy!!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Phrases !! Phrases!!

Good phrases

Its not your salary that makes you rich, its your spending habit

One man's loss is another man's gain that is Business

When you know what not to do to lose money , you begin to learn automatically what to do in order to win

When your neighbor loses his job its a recession. when you lose your job its a depression.

Fruits of life fall into the hands of those who climb the tree and pick them up.

Loan Mela

views on loan

when people get good job they first think is to earn more money, build a house , spend on luxury products. In feature these activities may create lot of psychological problem to the people. One stage they cannot stop there spending so they go for money borrowing through credit. Final stage what ever they have earned will go back to repay there credit. people also use new strategies they use three to four credit cards , to repay one loan they get another loan from a different bank .But any how at the final stage you are going to be the loser not the sales person or the bank.

decide carefully before buying a loan or insurance .once you are committed you have to wait for long years

“A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!”

Lesson for a Leader

The famous legend regarding his defeat and death of King Richard III, was written by William Shakespeare’s unforgettable line: “A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!”

The king Richard III wanted to rule England so he decided to have a battle .he asked his groom

To Shoe his horse quickly.the groom went to a blacksmith and instructed the prepare shoes for the king horse.“You’ll have to wait…I’ve got to get more iron,” the blacksmith answered. Failing to listen, the groom shouted impatiently, “I can’t wait …make do with what you have.”

So the blacksmith bent to his task and from a bar of iron he made four horseshoes. When he began to nail them on, he discovered he did not have enough nails to nail the fourth shoe. “I need one or two more nails and it will take some time to hammer them out,” he said.

“I told you we can’t wait,” the groom responded impatiently. “I hear the trumpets now. Can’t you just use what you have?” “Yes, but I can’t be certain it will hold,” answered the blacksmith. “Well then, just nail it on,” the groom shouted. “And hurry or King Richard will be angry with us both.”

And thus, in the thick of the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485, as King Richard’s horse lost a shoe and the battle was lost, history gained a lesson in taking meaningful action. As children everywhere have heard:

“For want of a nail, a shoe was lost,
for want of a shoe, a horse was lost,
for want of a horse, a battle was lost,
for want of a battle, a kingdom was lost.

The moral of the story is Time and Patience is important for a leader .

My view on Inflation

Let me take the topic on Inflation. According to me inflation occurred due to improper policy of the government. Government has created excess of money supply in our economy. Government is printing excess of money to sustain our economy towards growth. This inflation has pushed up the price level by 52 times in the course of 61 yrs from 1947 to 2008. India's growth like china is not shown through exports . The GDP is higher not due to more production it is by mere inflation.

Honey Bees!!!

Recently i read about honey bees. Honey bees are important for pollination in plants. They say that 85% of pollination are done by this honey bees. I was exited my this information.Albert Einstein gave his view on honey bees by a quotation. Suddenly i got an idea . If farmers use more honey bees in there farm then automatically more fruits will be yielded. They can increase there profit by getting more fruits by easy pollination.

Albert Einstein: "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left."

Just a introduction about me

I want to share my views to the society so, i have started this blog. In this blog everything what i feel i will try to post it. There may be lot of errors and contradictory views so if u feel bad just give your comments.